As we approach the new year, it's a great time to consider a swap to smarter electronics. Black Friday and holiday specials are a great opportunity to stock up and start off the new year with a commitment to being more intentionally efficient!
Most items are readily found at your favorite local hardware stores or on Amazon. And, if you can change a light bulb, you can do this!
Smart light bulbs can be controlled with Google Home or Amazon Alexa, or with an app or with another smart device such as a smart light switch.
You can also upgrade your conventional can lights to Smart recessed light fixtures that allow you to set a schedule for when you want them on and off. Some lights also allow you to pick a color temperature changing capacity to better set the mood in some areas of the home.
You may also want to consider utilizing an energy monitor before and after your changes to track your usages and savings!
Not sure where to start? Call us at 713-999-1890 and let us help you figure out what your needs are to help your work smarted not harder!
