It's that time of year when we start thinking about outdoor holiday lighting. Falling off the ladder is only one of many possible dangers surrounding your holiday decorations! Here are a few tips for the DIY crew to keep your home safe and looking beautiful from your trusted Licensed Electricians:

Inspect Your Equipment
Those lights from last year might have looked great then, but they've spent a year in the garage... probably not properly stored. Weather conditions, critters, and dust can all negatively affect the reliability and functions of lights. Check to ensure they're lighting properly and are making secure connections with other strands and plugs. Consider replacing older lights with newer safer options.
Are You Using the Correct Lights?
Make sure decorations are rated for outdoor use. They're specially formed to withstand the elements - indoor-only lights are not. Additionally, check that your cords and timers are approved for outdoor use.
Check the Cords
Cords must not be frayed or broken - you shouldn't see any internal wires. A good rule of thumb is three strands of lights per extension cord. Any more can overload the electrical capacity of the cord and create a hazard.
Consider Hiring a Professional
We know that putting up decorations can be a family tradition. We encourage you to consider starting a new tradition that doesn't include ladders and electricity... and leave the lighting to the professionals! Our friends at Outdoor Lighting Perspectives are experts at holiday lighting. From simple elegant lights to a show that rivals Clark Griswold's, they've got the best Christmas light installation in Houston.
In the meantime, if you're in need of a licensed electrician in Houston or just need a quick backup power set-up, call us at Unity Services - we can get your electrical systems up and running in plenty of time for the holidays.
